5 Types Of People You Must Avoid At Any Cost

5 Types Of People You Must Avoid At Any Cost

By: Amisha Shetty

We live in a world with ups and downs, good and bad, positive and negative and the list is endless. It is not upon us whether we encounter the good or the bad. There is no person in this world who encounters only positivity or only negativity. It’s a mixture of both that makes life. Since we cannot control some circumstances, we can definitely control one thing; the surrounding people with whom we decide to be with. Obviously and unfortunately, we encounter many people who are not good for our life. They impact our lives in ways that we can’t imagine. It can be in relationships, family, friends circles, workplace; it’s common wherever we go. But we have a choice to avoid them; for our mental peace.

multiethnic friends annoying classmate in yard
Photo by Keira Burton on

So here are the types of people you must avoid to live a happy life:

1. People who always discourage you

Suppose you are going to take part in a singing competition. There will be at least 5-6 people who will take some time out of their busy schedule to tell you can’t do it. They will tell you it is not your cup of tea or try to discourage you by giving the insights on how tough the competition is. And human beings believe others more than themselves. So when we listen to the unsolicited, discouraging words, we lose our confidence.

We have the hold on what words do we want our heart to receive. When we know that a particular person is toxic to your morale, it’s the best option to avoid them. And also, if they come to you with their opinions keep a witty reply ready.

2. Those who control you

These are the most important people to avoid. You will find them, most of the times, within your family and romantic relationships. Controlling means not only restricting or directing your physical movements. They may control what you post on social media or who you hangout with or even dictating what you should wear and what you shouldn’t. They want us to be their puppets and act according to their will.

Nobody is anyone’s slave. If they are trying to confine you into a cage, then it is a clear sign they are not the people who you want to be with. I know it is very difficult to detach yourself from if the people are from your family because you will have an emotional attachment to them. But, come on, guys. You can avoid those nosy relatives because they are meant to be avoided. And as far as relationships are concerned, then it’s mandatory to move on. Who wants to date a control freak, anyway.

3. Ones who insult others

Some people find joy in putting others down. Insults come as body shaming, slut shaming, laughing at someone’s misery and so on. It makes the other person feel inferior, and that lowers their self-esteem. Upon that, insults can hurt more than words can describe. They stick with us for life. The person who put us down may forget that, but we are going to remember every word that was thrown at us.

Some people change while some refuse to do so. We can say it’s their birth quality that can’t be removed out of their heart. They find comfort in insulting others. We have a choice of staying away from them and also the power to ignore. They aren’t living your life. So they don’t know what someone else is going through. It is so easy for them to throw nasty words at other people until they realize how it feels to be insulted. And one important tip. Never insult someone back. Because if you do so, what’s the difference between you and them?

4. Someone who constantly complains about not getting enough attention even when you are trying your best

This happens most commonly in relationships and friendships. You are trying your best to maintain your work-life balance. You try to give them time out of your super busy schedule. Still, there will be some ungrateful people who complain that you don’t give them attention. They don’t even try an atom to understand you and they expect you to understand their needs above all the other stuffs that you are going through. They need to understand that you have a life and you have so much going on.

diverse angry women quarreling in kitchen
Photo by Liza Summer on

I can say that this is the most important red flag in any relationship and it’s a sign that it’s time to run away from them. It shows that they have zero concern towards your life. This can turn out mentally damaging. This is same as controlling you and as I mentioned before, these are the people you must avoid.

5. Who is moody and behaves according to their will.

Have you ever encountered someone who acted according to their will. Don’t take me wrong. By saying “moody and behaving according to their will”, I don’t mean that a person shouldn’t show his original self. We all are creatures with emotions and mood swings. I am talking about those people who act nice to you at one moment and act the exact opposite the next. Some have that quality embedded in them. They behave like the best person for you and you believe them. But, next time they behave as if you are a complete stranger to them. Why do they even do that? Even I don’t have an answer.

We don’t like to make fun of ourselves and our feelings, right? Then it’s the best option to distance ourselves from such people. We are not robots. We have feelings too. Our feelings are valid. We can’t let anyone play with it. We have a value which they are not worth it.

I know it’s extremely difficult to avoid people, especially when we have some feelings attached to them. But I don’t think that someone is more important than ourselves. Our self respect. There is no harm in keeping negative people away from our lives, no matter how attached we are to them. Because when they are not respecting you and keep treating you like trash, I don’t see any point in staying with them or hanging out with them.

Keep your chins up and live your life without letting others pull you down.

Also read: Prioritize Yourself: Why Is It Important?


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