Father’s Day Note To All The Amazing Dads Out There

By: Amisha Shetty Happy father’s day to all the fathers in the world. So, we have read countless articles on mother’s love. So I decided, since today is Father’s Day, to write about fathers and their immeasurable love and sacrifices. This article is dedicated to my father who is not with us today. Let me tell you all about my […]

5 Types Of People You Must Avoid At Any Cost

By: Amisha Shetty We live in a world with ups and downs, good and bad, positive and negative and the list is endless. It is not upon us whether we encounter the good or the bad. There is no person in this world who encounters only positivity or only negativity. It’s a mixture of both that makes life. Since we […]

8 simple happiness hacks that work wonders

By: Amisha Shetty What is happiness? What is the exact definition? To be honest, there is no specific definition. Happiness can mean different things to different people. For one person, it can be getting their dream job. For another, it can be adopting a dog. And anyways is there any need for reasons to be happy? In the end, it […]