What is better? Optimism or pessimism

What is better? Optimism or pessimism

From our childhood, they always taught us to be positive. To concentrate on the present. That we should always hope for the best. Whenever anyone talks about the uncertainty of the future, we ask them to be optimistic. We all say optimism is for the strong minded and pessimism is for the weak. But is it always possible to live life based on optimism?

A banner with sky background with the words "What is better? Optimism or pessimism" written on it.

What exactly is optimism and pessimism?

According to Google, optimism means hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something and pessimism is a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. In simple words, a person is optimistic when they hope everything will end up positive. On the other hand, a person is pessimistic when they believe that something is going to end up bad or won’t end up in their favor.

Let’s take an example. Suppose a cricket team, say Team A, has a match with the champions, say Team B. There are two types of people in Team A. 1. Those who already decided that they are going to lose against Team B since it emerges as the champion every year 2. Who believes that there is a chance of them winning the match and stay positive and confident about their abilities.

What is better?

If you go around asking people what they believe a person should be, all of them will definitely say optimism. Ask them why, and they will say “Oh! It says a lot about how positive and hopeful a person is.” And I agree. Being positive and optimistic keeps away the stress of assuming a bad future and helps us enjoy the present instead of mulling over the future.

But, I am going to give a very controversial statement now. I believe that we all must be a little pessimistic too. Let me tell you why. I am not asking you to give up on positive thinking or to assume the worst. What I mean is, while we hope everything is going to be in our favor, it is important to have a tinge of pessimism that will prepare us for the worst. 


While being optimistic is important in life, it is also important to have that 1 percent pessimism to keep our feet on the ground.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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